Tuesday, April 26, 2016

7 Signs You Might Not Be Eating Enough Protein

Your body has ways of telling you that you’re not eating enough eggs, lean meat, fish, nuts, dairy, and protein-rich vegetables to fuel your muscles and overall health. You constantly feel weak and hungry Terry Hope Romero, author of a number of bestselling cookbooks for health foods, noticed that her vegan diet was leaving her unsatisfied and lacking energy throughout the day. “When you work full time and have a long commute, and you regularly...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

7 Ways To Make Your Fat Burner More Effective

Popping a capsule won't necessarily make your fat go away, but incorporating these seven steps will optimize a good fat burner's effects! In the pursuit of lean muscle, smart nutrition and intense training are your most important weapons. You simply can't shed body fat without hard work in the gym and kitchen. However, a well-formulated fat burner can increase the effects of that hard work, giving you extra ammo in the war against body fat. The...

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Only Fat Burners That Actually Work (and Other Ways to Fight Flab)

 Can supplements help you lose weight? We compare the best fat burners you can buy in a bottle with the finest natural alternatives If you’re looking to shed weight fast, fat burners are becoming an increasingly popular option – when used wisely. They’re designed to speed up the rate you can lose weight when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Though you’ll still need a healthy dose of willpower to combat bad food decisions,...

Sunday, April 17, 2016

10 Tricks to Lose Weight Just Sitting at Your Desk

Set a timer to get up every 20 minutes or so You’ve heard this tip before, but it’s worth repeating. Simply standing up more often helps to prevent weight gain versus sitting. We expend a surprising number of calories through non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)—activities like walking to the water cooler, vacuuming, and even toe tapping and fidgeting. This incidental movement can help with fat loss, say The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos,...

Friday, April 15, 2016

11 Surprising Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation remedy: Sesame seeds The oily composition of sesame seeds works to moisturize the intestines, which can help if dry stools are a problem. Add the seeds to cereals or salads for crunch, or pulverize them in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on food like a seasoning. This home remedy for constipation is a favorite of Amish and Chinese folk healers. Constipation remedy: Molasses One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses before bed should...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

10 Lies About The Atkins Diet!

You'll discover the real truth about low carb diets and a real solution to the problem of excess body fat that is beautiful in its simplicity, yet powerful in effectiveness. Read on to learn the 10 Lies about the Atkins diet and discover the truth! Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins have always been controversial, but with the recent wave of new research and publicity, the controversy is now raging hotter than ever. One headline in the San Francisco...

Monday, April 11, 2016

A Beginner's Guide To Healthy Fat Loss

You're ready to lose weight, but overwhelmed by complicated diet plans. Learn how to achieve your goals by focusing on what's absolutely necessary! You may have heard some variation of this statement before: Your commitment to improved nutrition has to be a total, sustainable lifestyle change. When people say this, they're often doing it with the best of intentions. They're trying to make eating better seem easier and more approachable. But what...

Sunday, April 10, 2016

4 Tips For Sticking To Your Diet When Dining Out

Don't surrender your social life in an effort to eat clean. Learn how to navigate restaurant menus and stay on your diet while eating out! Dieting doesn't have to mean skimping on romantic evenings out or losing time with family and friends. Instead of staying at home and missing out on a delicious restaurant meal, arm yourself with knowledge so you can be social and eat smart. Follow these four surefire tips to help you stick to your diet when...

Friday, April 8, 2016

5 Best Foods To Help You Sleep Better!

Trouble sleeping? Check your diet. Eating particular foods can set you up for a blissful night in dreamland. Proper sleep is essential for optimal muscle repair and growth. Unfortunately, many of us don't get anywhere near the recommended 7-9 hours per night.1 Sleep is essential for the production of growth hormone, which is a muscle-building hormone released during your deepest sleep.2 The less sleep you get, the less growth hormone released....

Thursday, April 7, 2016

5 Fitness Facts You Don’t Know

There are a lot of interesting facts about fitness that the general public doesn’t know about. These are the facts you won’t hear about in a late night infomercial, but I think you will find them enlightening and intriguing. I also want to create the impression that while we don’t know EVERYTHING about the science behind fat loss, muscle gain etc., we know a lot. Here are 5 fitness facts that can make some great trivia questions: Fitness Fact...